Site Map
  1. Home
  2. About Us
    1. History and Evoltion
    2. Principal's Desk
    3. Administration
      1. Governing Body
      2. Vice Principal (Academic)
      3. Vice-Principal (Admin)
      4. Dean(Students)
      5. Director(SFC)
      6. Bursar
      7. Teachers' Council
      8. Organogram
    4. Coat of Arms
    5. Vision & Mission
    6. Layout of the Campus
    7. Staff Welfare Committee
    8. St Joseph’s College Employees Cooperative Credit Society
    9. Contact us
  3. Search
  4. News & Updates
  5. Glimpses
  6. Password Retrieve
  7. Under Construction
  8. Site Map
  9. Academics
    1. Code of Professional Ethics
    2. Departments
      1. Department of Botany
        1. Departmental Activities (Botany)
      2. Department of Zoology
        1. Departmental activities (Zoology)
      3. Department of Geography
        1. Departmental activities (Geography)
      4. Department of English
        1. Departmental Activities (English)
      5. Department of Nepali
        1. Departmental Activitiies (Nepali)
      6. Department of History
        1. Departmental activities (History)
      7. Department of Economics
        1. Departmental activities (Economics)
      8. Department of sociology & Social Anthropology
        1. Departmental activities (Sociology)
      9. Department of Political Science
        1. Departmental activities of Political Science
      10. Department of Chemistry
        1. Departmental activities (Chemistry)
        2. Chemistry Laboratory
      11. Department of Hindi
        1. Departmental activities (Hindi)
      12. Department of Bengali
        1. Departmental activities (Bengali)
      13. Department of Physics
        1. Departmental activities (Physics)
      14. Department of Mathematics
        1. Departmental activities (maths)
      15. Department of Commerce
        1. Departmental activities (Commerce)
      16. Department of Microbiology
        1. Departmental activities (Microbiology)
      17. Department of Mass Communication & Journalism
        1. Departmental activities (Mass Comm)
      18. Department of Computer Science and Applications
        1. Departmental activities (CSA)
        2. Laboratory of CSA
      19. Department of Computer Science
        1. Departmental activities (Computer Science)
        2. Computer Science Laboratory
      20. Department of Business Administration
        1. Departmental activities (BBA)
  10. Research & Publications
    1. Publications and Patents
    2. Workshop and Seminars
    3. Research Activities
    4. Sponsored Projects
    5. Students Projects
  11. Admission
    1. Courses Offered
      1. B.A. (Hons./Program)
      2. B.Sc.  (Hons./Program) & BCA
      3. B. Com. (Hons./Program) & BBA
      4. M.A
  12. Facilities
    1. Library
      1. Library Staff
        1. Library
      2. Guideline to use Library
      3. Library Staff
    2. Hostels
      1. Xavier Hostel
      2. Fairview Hostel
    3. Conference Hall
    4. Laboratories
      1. Incubation Center
      2. Mushroom Cultivation Center
      3. Computer Lab
      4. Common Instrumentation Facility
      5. Microbiology Laboratory
      6. Zoology Laboratory
      7. Geography Laboratory
      8. Mathematics Laboratory
    5. Physical Facilities
      1. Divyangjan
      2. College Canteen
      3. Parking Space
      4. Wash Basin
      5. Rain Water Harvesting System
      6. Lounge for Teachers
      7. Drinking Water Facility
      8. Girls Common Room
      9. Power Back Up
      10. Solid Waste Disposal System
    6. ICT enabled Classrooms
    7. Games and Sports
    8. Campion Hall
  13. Alumni
  14. Student Zone
    1. Students' Council
    2. Grievance and Redressal Committee
    3. Counselling Centre
    4. Rules and Regulations
    5. LAPS
    6. College Calendar
    7. Feedback
      1. Feedback Parents
  15. Campus Life
    1. Community Outreach and Extension Programmes
      1. NCC
        1. Activities (NCC)
      2. NSS
        1. Activities (NSS)
      3. Management Club
      4. IT Club
      5. Youth Against Trafficking
      6. Cultural Committee
      7. Art Club
        1. Activities (Art Club)
      8. Nature Club
        1. Activities Nature Club
        2. Add/Edit Section Photo
        3. Manage Photo
        4. Add/Edit Photo
        5. Mange Photo
      9. Rotaract Club
      10. Science and Research Club
      11. All India Catholic University Students Federation (AICUF)
      12. Current Affairs Forum (CAF)
      13. Media (Film, Photography and Videography) Club
      14. Commerce Club
        1. Activities of Commerce Club
      15. SC & ST Cell
      16. Value Education Committee
      17. Placement and Career Guidance Cell
      18. Dance Club
        1. Activities Dance Club
      19. Music Club
    2. Awards to Meritorious Students
    3. Events
      1. Induction Programme
      2. Freshers' Welcome
      3. Foundation Day
      4. Graduation Day
  16. IQAC
    1. AQAR
    2. Annual College Report
    3. MoUs
    4. Satisfaction Survey by Students
    5. Annual Stake Holders report
    6. Best Practice
    7. Minutes of the Meeting and Action Taken
    8. Course Objective
    9. IQAC Activities
    10. Awards received
    11. Teachers with Ph.D.
    12. Faculty development Programmes (FDP)
  17. NAAC
  18. AISHE & NIRF
  19. Provisional Merit List 2024
  20. RTI
  21. Library
  22. Guidelines to use Library
  24. Exchange Programme
  25. Second Provisional Merit List
  26. Admission Status Update 2024
  27. Admission Payment Link 2024
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